Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Family night

Family Night!

I made some really good chicken and dumplings (not to brag, but they were good, probably because it has been so long since I've made them), and Storm came over for a while. We all ate together and just spent some fun time together. The boys acted silly like they do and we just had a great time! If you have small children you need to check out Heather Whittakers blog @ http://whittakerwoman.typepad.com/whittaker_woman/ she has great ideas! It is a little harder when they get bigger, I just kinda go with the flow!

Devin giving me his pouty look!
This is why god didn't give us naturally green hair!

As if the green hair wasn't scary enough, check out that look!

1 comment:

  1. Yum, your food sounds great! I think when they get older focusing on the food really makes the night! H
