Monday, November 17, 2008

Busy Day

Today was the deadline to pay my deposit to hold my spot in the nursing program. I had to see my case manager at CareerSource in order to get the voucher for the deposit and take it to the school to ensure they got it in time. This normally would only take a few minutes, but of course, today when I was on a time schedule, it took about two hours. It always seems like when you are in a hurry it takes longer to do everything. I finally got that taken care of and then it was time to go to the funeral, so Braxton and I made our way there. I expected that the church part of the funeral would be around and hour, of course I was wrong again, it was an hour and a half. Braxton was good for the first hour, but kept watching the clock because I told him we should be through by 2:00. When it got to be 2:00 he started saying, it should be over soon, it's 2, and then he would whisper, it's after 2, why are they still talking? And then he just laid his little head on my shoulder. It was quite emotional for him, he cried most of the funeral. This is the 2nd person very close to him that he has lost in the last 11 months. His Gammy (his dad's mom) died on New Year's Eve at the age of 59 with a heart attack, and now Myra, who was like a grandmother to him. When the funeral was over, I left him with his MiMi (his dad's step-mom) so that he could go to the burial with them and then I was off to finish my to do list for school.

I then had to go get a drug test done. This is not the normal pee in the cup test, you pee in the cup, but the person administering the test stands in the bathroom with you and watches you go! I am glad that I don't have a shy bladder. After that it was off to the school to register for the CPR class that I have to take. Then it was off to Wal-Mart to pick up my allergy medicine. So finally I was through and able to come home and get in my really soft PJ's I got for my birthday! I am glad to be through for the day, tomorrow I will have to go get my blood drawn and then Friday I should be able to get my last shot and the last step of the TB test. I am exhausted and haven't even started school! What does January have in store for me???

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