Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Blog Friend Robin

Back in November Heather from Whittaker Woman hosted a blog party and I met one of the neatest, sweetest and loving people I think I have ever met. She has a huge heart for the Lord and for her children. Well, she is in a bad place right now, her daughter Steph had to have an emergency c-section yesterday due to complications in her pregnancy. The baby girl was 4 weeks early and Steph is very sick. Please pray for Robin, Steph and her baby girl. Please pray for the doctor and nurses as they take care of both of them and as they search for answers and try to treat and cure Steph! If you get a chance go to her website and leave her a message of love and prayer, Robin really needs it now! She is posting updates every couple of hours! I want us to cover that family with our love and prayers!!!!

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