Saturday, December 6, 2008


We have a fireplace in our house, the real deal that burns wood, so we had to go to get a CSL (Creosote Sweeping Log) to burn to help prevent a fire in the chimney. We were at Home Depot and they were expensive ($14.00). I thought that Wal-Mart had them cheaper, so since Wal-mart is in the same shopping center I drove down to check out their price and left Robert and Braxton in Home Depot. While I was in Wal-mart they announced that Sant a was in the Children's section taking pictures with the kids and the pictures were free. I went back to Home Depot, because the logs were the same price at Wal-Mart. We finished at Home Depot and then went into Wal-Mart for Robert to look for something that they did not have at Home Depot that he needed, while he was looking I took Braxton to the back of the store, he had no idea why, I did not tell him Santa was there. When he saw him he was surprised and excited! This is the picture we got for free!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is a great Santa photo!! Love it when things work out that way! :o)
