Friday, August 15, 2008

Family Night Idea

Robert and I were out last night and got a message from Braxton that he had gotten hurt. You know little boys, they need to talk to mommy when they don't feel well. I talked to him and found out that he was fine, he had fallen when riding his scooter and scraped his head, nose, knee and toe. I had to take him to register for school today and we had an idea for Family Night. We are going to have a First Aid night. We are going to have stuffed animal patients to take care of and we are going to learn safety tips, like wearing a helmet while riding a scooter. For supper we are going to have chicken noodle soup and jello and for desert we are going to have the little cups of ice cream that they give you when you are in the hospital. Each child will receive "get well" gifts, you know coloring books, word searches and cross word puzzles. The types of gifts that you would receive if you were sick and needed something to occupy your time. Braxton is so excited, he can't wait to get home for it!!!

Braxton's head and face after falling off of his scooter at his dad's house.
Braxton's knee after his accident.

Braxton showing off his boo boo's after his accident.

1 comment:

  1. Those are the best FN's when you can base it off of something! Great Idea. H
